
What is bullying and have we taken the word too far?

By definition bullying is unwanted or aggressive behavior between 2 or more people that involves a real or perceived imbalance of power. The behavior is normally repeated or has the potential to be repeated over a period of time.

Given the above definition, there are 2 major concepts that should be considered prior to labeling an act bullying. Is there an imbalance of power? Has the act been repeated?  

​Be Better World LLC, realizes that bullying is real and plays out on a daily basis in homes, neighborhoods, schools, and businesses all over the world. However, we also realize that if we are armed with the appropriate tools, there is a high likelihood of resolving many issues before they reach the stage of bullying. 

Be Better World, has developed a myriad of courses, coaching & training sessions, and keynotes around our acronym C.C.R.A.B.S.  Through our programs and small group studies, we have proven that when the acronym is deployed, the likelihood of issues escalating have decreased significantly. Our approach is to empower people of all ages and not spend time focusing on the attributes of the bully. 

​The key is to be aware of and correct issues before they spiral out of control. In a world increasingly full of distractions, ensuring that all parties have full understanding of the issues is a key contributor to resolving issues quickly. Be Better World assists attendees in pinpointing the activities at the epicenter of an issue and focuses on the one or two main issues to constructively disseminate the problem.